HumanityI believe we are the luckiest generation on Earth ever, simply because we have a winning lottery ticket in our pockets, each and every one of us, that previous generations didn’t have. No, it is not the internet, not technology, not education, not healthcare. It is, something very different, that is far more important and has far greater impact than all the great achievements of the 20th century. We are the first generation ever with a real chance to turn the course of our personal history and the history of humanity, for the better.

What Do I Believe?

I believe that every living person on Earth is naturally born with worthiness, kindness, benevolence, with a natural ability to love, to connect, to express their wishes and desires. Everybody is born with limitless sources of spontaneity, creativity, passion, and love, with a natural drive to fulfill their dreams and aspirations, to be a valuable part of society and the world. And yes, by everyone I truly mean every single one of us was born this way, even dictators, terrorists, mass murderers, and alike.

That’s alright, but then, why is it that in reality, very few people live up to those wonderful talents and potentials? Why is it that many of us feel anxious, desperate, depressed, unworthy, or furious most of the time? Why is it that so many of us are compulsive, depressive, alcoholic, workaholic, drug addicts, violent, sexual offenders? Why is it that so many people commit murders or suicide? Why are tens and hundreds of millions people living on antidepressants? Or – if we take it one step further -, why is there so much hatred, violence, and suffering in the world? Why are these things happening, that this innocent little new-born baby would never even consider doing? What happens to all that miracle that is in the eye of that child?

Well, something happens to her along the way. A series of small (and not so small) traumas she goes through in her early life, that slowly, unconsciously, and sometimes invisibly shape and distort her view of the world, her thoughts, her feelings, her behavior, her aspirations, and possibilities. The death of a parent, a divorce, a sick parent, extreme poverty, an alcoholic mother or father, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, harassment at school, or simply just life itself. And it all results in severe disabilities, emotional problems, mental illnesses, depression, anxiety, addiction, or uncontrollable hatred and anger. And it all happens in a way, that she isn’t even aware of. Oh, and if you think it doesn’t apply to you because you had a so-called normal family like me (with no dead parent, no divorce, no physical or sexual abuse, no bullies at school), you better think again, but let’s get back to that later.

But, and there is a big and important but here: thanks to the achievements and state of the art of psychology, I truly believe that there is a way out of all this, more than ever before in history. There is a way back to that wonderful little child, to her natural talent, peace, love, and worthiness. We have an opportunity in our hands like never before. We have knowledge, methods, and tools to find peace and happiness.

The only problem is that we as a society or culture know very little about all this. It is mostly unknown, looked over, untaught, misunderstood, mistreated, abused, and scarcely available. And I think we should do something about it. We should take our chance! I believe we can make all this available to people, for everyone to benefit from it, not just the rich or lucky ones.

If we can figure out ways to raise awareness and give proper support to healing on an individual level, we can change the World and the whole course of the history of humanity. I believe that if the world is formed mostly (in growing numbers) by emotionally healthy, stable, grown-up, peaceful, happy, creative individuals, we are going to build a very different world for our children and grandchildren. I believe in a world, where people have the chance to live a happy and full life, regardless of the traumas of their childhood.

On the other side, if we don’t do this, then history is going to repeat itself: addictivity, greed, deception, abuse, hatred, dictators, war, and terrorism.

Why Should You Even Listen to Me?

Well, that’s a good question. Especially because I am no doctor, no psychiatrist, no psychologist, no yogi, no religious leader, no self-help guru that has solved everything. I am nothing like that. I am Zol, just a 34-year-old guy from the Western world, who had an ordinary life, with normal financial conditions and family environment, good education, and a relatively successful career in IT. Until about five years ago, when my father got cancer, died a year later, and it triggered a series of events and emotional issues that ruined my life and turned everything upside-down.

I’ve always read a lot and was interested in matters of psychology, but when all this happened to me, I had to realize I had absolutely no clue at all what was going on with me. I knew absolutely nothing about anything outside the rational world (you know I am an engineer or scientist kind of guy). I had no clue about my inner workings, my feelings, my past, or about who I was at all. I was lost, confused, frightened, and fallen apart. I lost my dad, lost my job, lost my girlfriend, lost most of my savings, and didn’t know what to do.

So I did what I had always been doing before, and what I was best at: took my scientific / academic / engineering background and dived deep into psychology, self-help, self-discovery, and therapy. In the last 3-4 years of my life therapy and healing was the most important thing in my life, everything was revolving around it. I read everything I could get: tons of books, blogs, and articles. I wrote thousands of pages in my diary about my feelings, my experiences, my discoveries, and realizations. I started publishing these in the form of a personal, diary-like blog. I tried lots of tools and methods. I did meditation and yoga, years of individual therapy, different forms of therapy groups, psychodrama, retreats, El Camino, and lots of other things. I’ve been doing it for years, and I am still far away from the “finish line” (if there exists one at all). I still have different kinds of issues, anxieties, relationship difficulties, etc. But I am feeling much better today, than just a few years ago. I can already see the way out, and I am already half-way out for sure.

This personal work, this amazing journey was the best and most important thing I’ve ever done in my life. I learned a lot, had some amazing, breathtaking discoveries and realizations, I have changed profoundly in many ways, and I had some miraculous, cathartic experiences along the way. (And when I am talking about miracles, don’t forget that I am a very down-to-earth, rational, scientific guy, not some weird spiritual stoned hippie.)

And most importantly, the more I learned, understood, and experienced, the more I realized how little we know, understand, and use about these things, about ourselves, about or inner workings, about our feelings, about our childhood, and about our possibilities to change our lives for the better. And this is the very reason why I am here now because I believe we should and we can change it!

What Is My Dream?

I already told you what I believe in:

  • We know very little about our possibilities to change our lives for the better, happier, and fuller
  • We have a great opportunity in our hands to change ourselves
  • We can profoundly and fundamentally change the world and future generations if we learn to better use our tools and possibilities

Now let’s get to the point, to my goals with this blog.

Goal #1: Raising awareness

I think the first step is to find ways to raise awareness of the possibilities of psychology, to give knowledge of it, to understand the most common misconceptions and fears of it. To let you know about the ways you can get back to the talent and vast possibilities of that wonderful little child that you once were, to believe that it is possible to change lives.

Goal #2: Creating tools and support for the masses

The second step is to find ways to provide tools and support for change, for masses of people, not only for the rich or lucky few. Although psychology went through amazing development in the last few decades, and it provides plenty of effective tools, in my view it still couldn’t exploit the scale, availability, and price benefits that 21st-century technology can provide.

How Am I Going to Do It?

I’ve been writing a personal blog for a while, based on my diary entries. It is really like a personal diary: I haven’t written it with a particular reader in mind, it contains less structured, less focused, less professional, but much more personal, intimate, and painfully honest writings. It tells the true story of my life falling apart, and my search for the way out of the darkness, with unbearable pain, struggles, dead ends, but also with shocking realizations, exciting discoveries, incredible experiences, and profound changes.

Now I decided to start another blog, this one, for a (hopefully) wider audience, to share my most important, most surprising, widely unknown realizations about the limitless possibilities of self-discovery and therapy. All this in a more structured, more digestible, more professional style, written to you, my Dear Reader. On occasions, I will link to writings on my personal blog for further reference and for first-hand authentic experiences.

My intention is far from teaching, preaching, or telling anyone what or how to do. I am not the one who knows it all, and I never want to be that. Instead, I want to share my experiences and the most important and profound things I’ve learned along the way. I want to share this with you, like telling it to a friend who I care about.

What Do I Ask You to Do?

If you share my vision, if you believe what I believe, I ask you to come with me and let me tell you about the most surprising discoveries I made along the way. If my stories and writings touch you in some ways, please share your own thoughts, opinions, feelings, stories, and experiences with me. Let’s create a community together so that together we can change our lives and the world for the better step by step, day by day.

Come with me for yourself in the first place, for that sacred wonderful little child inside you, who is craving for you to find him/her and believe in him/her. Do it for your beloved ones, for your children, grandchildren, and all your descendants who’ll ever live. And finally, do it for a brighter, happier future of mankind.


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